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Aircraft Electrical System Generation Theory
An aircraft electrical system includes an engine driven generator which provides a continuous source of electricity once the engine is running.
28 September 2022
Aircraft Oil And Cooling Systems
Internal combustion engines must be adequately lubricated and cooled while running in order to provide safe operation and to function as intended.
18 May 2022
The Aircraft Electrical System – An Overview
The electrical system is essential to any modern aircraft and is responsible for running everything from the lights and avionics, to the engine starter motor.
18 May 2022
Principles And Operation Of An Aircraft Magneto Ignition System
An aircraft magneto uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to generate the high voltage necessary to drive engine ignition.
28 September 2022
Introduction To Aircraft Engine Systems - Ignition, Lubrication & Fuel
An introduction to the various aircraft systems run off the engine in a typical light aircraft. This includes ignition, fuel, electrical and pressurization.
18 May 2022
Aircraft Piston Engine Operation
A look at the various cockpit engine instruments found in a typical light aircraft and the operation of a piston aircraft engine.
18 May 2022
The Four Stroke Engine Cycle
Four-stroke engines are the most common engine type in use in the general aviation industry. In this tutorial we will examine the four-stroke cycle in detail.
28 September 2022
Introduction To Aircraft Internal Combustion Engines
The internal combustion (IC) engine is the powerplant used on almost all light general aviation aircraft today.
18 May 2022
Crosswind Calculator
Our crosswind calculator can be used to quickly determine the parallel and crosswind components of the wind relative to the runway.
16 November 2022
Aircraft Engine And Propeller Sizing
A method of sizing an engine and propeller for a light sport aircraft is described and thrust curves plotted to determine maximum theoretical speed.
28 September 2022