Andrew Wood
AeroToolbox Founder

Andrew is the founder and builder of Growing up with an unhealthy passion for all things aviation related, he studied aeronautial engineering and has spent a decade in the aerospace industry, working as a structural engineer, first on the Airbus A400M and later leading the stress analysis of a new wing design for a MALE UAV. 

It was well working as a structural analyst that he discovered his love of programming, and has now branched out into running Canard Analytics, a software design consultancy focusing on developing in Python, and specialising in data analytics, process automation, and web applications.

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Internal combustion engines must be adequately lubricated and cooled while running in order to provide safe operation and to function as intended.
Internal combustion engines must be adequately lubricated and cooled while running in order to provide safe operation and to function as intended.
18 May 2022
An introduction to the various aircraft systems run off the engine in a typical light aircraft. This includes ignition, fuel, electrical and pressurization.
An introduction to the various aircraft systems run off the engine in a typical light aircraft. This includes ignition, fuel, electrical and pressurization.
18 May 2022
A look at the various cockpit engine instruments found in a typical light aircraft and the operation of a piston aircraft engine.
A look at the various cockpit engine instruments found in a typical light aircraft and the operation of a piston aircraft engine.
18 May 2022
The internal combustion (IC) engine is the powerplant used on almost all light general aviation aircraft today.
The internal combustion (IC) engine is the powerplant used on almost all light general aviation aircraft today.
18 May 2022
The electrical system is essential to any modern aircraft and is responsible for running everything from the lights and avionics, to the engine starter motor.
The electrical system is essential to any modern aircraft and is responsible for running everything from the lights and avionics, to the engine starter motor.
18 May 2022
Learn more about an aircraft’s tail section with a focus on the tail’s impact in three primary areas: stability, control, and trim.
Learn more about an aircraft’s tail section with a focus on the tail’s impact in three primary areas: stability, control, and trim.
18 May 2022
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